Offensive AI Course
Welcome to the course site for Offensive AI
which I teach at BGU in the Department of Software and Information Systems Engineering. Below you will find the course syllabus and more content will be added over the semester.
Course Name: Offensive AI
Course Name (Hebrew): בינה מלאכותית זדונית
Course Number: TBA
Course Structure: 3 hours of lectures weekly
Course Credits: 3
Lecturer: Dr. Yisroel Mirsky
Course Description:
Artificial intelligence (AI) has provided us with the ability to automate tasks, extract information from vast amounts of data, and synthesize media that is nearly indistinguishable from the real thing. However, positive tools can also be used for negative purposes. In particular, cyber adversaries can also use AI, but to enhance their attacks and expand their campaigns.
In this course we will learn about attacks against AI systems (adversarial machine learning) such as model poisoning, model inversion, membership inference, backdoors, and adversarial examples. We will also learn about attacks which use AI, such as deepfakes for facial reenactment and voice cloning, advanced spyware, autonomous bots, evasive malware, and the use of machine learning to detect software vulnerabilities. Finally, throughout the course we will learn how we can defend against these attacks and learn the best practices for developing systems which are robust against them too.
Purpose of the Course:
The goal of the course is to learn (1) how AI is being used by malicious actors to exploit our AI systems and enhance their cyberattacks, and (2) how we can defend against these threats and develop safer systems.
At least one course in machine learning (e.g., 372.1.4951, 372.1.4952, 372.2.5910) or relevant experience in the subject. The course is open to students outside of the department on the basis of availability and faculty member recommendation.
Course Requirements:
- Attendance is required (10% of the grade).
- Students must learn the course from the lectures and any provided written materials.
- Students will submit one practical exercise in Python (10% of the grade), and one project which will be presented in the final lecture (30% of the grade).
- The final exam is 50% of the grade. Passing the exam is required for passing the course.
- This course will be taught in English.
(There may be small modifications)
Week 1
Introduction to machine learning and offensive AI.
Attacks on AI
Week 2
Adversarial Machine Learning I (Causative Attacks):
Dataset poisoning and fault attacks (e.g., neural trojans, defense evasion, allergy attacks, clustering attacks). Week 3
Adversarial Machine Learning II (Exploratory Attacks):
Adversarial examples, sponge examples, model inversion, membership inference, and parameter inference. Week 4
Prevention and Mitigation of Adversarial Machine Learning Week 5
Lab: Adversarial Machine Learning with libraries and Torch in Python
Attacks using AI: Deepfakes
Week 6
Deepfakes I:
Ethics of deepfakes and Generative AI used for facial reenactment Week 7
Deepfakes II:
Generative AI used for face replacement, face synthesis, and record tampering Week 8
Deepfakes III:
Generative AI for voice cloning, spoofing, and audio driven reenactment
Week 9
Lab: Creating deepfakes with python
Week 10
Detection, Prevention, and Mitigation of Deepfakes
Attacks using AI: Attack Tools
Week 11
Attack Planning and Exploit Development Week 12
Spyware and Credential Theft
Course Conclusion
Week 13
Student project presentations
Reading List:
- Huang, Ling, et al. “Adversarial machine learning.” Proceedings of the 4th ACM workshop on Security and artificial intelligence. 2011.
- Biggio, Battista, and Fabio Roli. “Wild patterns: Ten years after the rise of adversarial machine learning.” Pattern Recognition 84 (2018): 317-331.
- Zhang, Jiliang, and Chen Li. “Adversarial examples: Opportunities and challenges.” IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 31.7 (2019): 2578-2593.
- Carlini, Nicholas, et al. “On evaluating adversarial robustness.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.06705 (2019).
- Ilyas, Andrew, et al. “Adversarial examples are not bugs, they are features.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.02175 (2019).
- Liu, Yuntao, et al. “A survey on neural trojans.” 2020 21st International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED). IEEE, 2020.
- Chen, Huili, et al. “DeepInspect: A Black-box Trojan Detection and Mitigation Framework for Deep Neural Networks.” IJCAI. 2019.
- Mirsky, Yisroel, and Wenke Lee. “The creation and detection of deepfakes: A survey.” ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 54.1 (2021): 1-41.
- Tolosana, Ruben, et al. “Deepfakes and beyond: A survey of face manipulation and fake detection.” Information Fusion 64 (2020): 131-148.
- Arik, Sercan O., et al. “Neural voice cloning with a few samples.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.06006 (2018).
- Hettwer, Benjamin, Stefan Gehrer, and Tim Güneysu. “Applications of machine learning techniques in side-channel attacks: a survey.” Journal of Cryptographic Engineering 10.2 (2020): 135-162.
- Batina, Lejla, et al. “{CSI}{NN}: Reverse Engineering of Neural Network Architectures Through Electromagnetic Side Channel.” 28th {USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security 19). 2019.